The 6 Types of Amazon Beginners: See which person is you!

This is a fun post where I’ll examine the 6 different types of people who begin the Amazon journey. Through this, I hope Amazon beginners will be able to spot themselves.

The 6 Types of Amazon Beginners

My blog continues to be read by thousands of you guys weekly. I’ve got a huge amount of respect, appreciation and more good stuff coming! Thanks so much for the praise my friends – it means a lot!

So, let’s get into it.

6 Types of Amazon Beginners

There’s really 6 core types of people I see who come into this Amazon journey. Some make no progress, yet others knock it out of the park. I’ve been helping to as many people as I can possibly be.

Here they are:

  • The Constant Researcher
  • The Eager Enthusiast
  • Mr Everyday Excuse
  • The Gary-Vee Wannabe
  • The Realistic Seller
  • Mr Marketplace Dominator

So allow me to unpack each one. Hope you get a laugh out of this one!

The Constant Researcher

This is the person that is constantly looking or researching a course or opportunity. They’ll trust random comments online as opposed to viewing real student results.

They’re often looking for a reason NOT to take the leap forward. Some sort of reason to feel good at night time. Things like “But what if….?!” is a common catch-cry. These people aren’t going to invest in their knowledge, and aren’t likely to become successful Amazon sellers. You might call them tyre-kickers.

Sometimes you’ll also find them on my blog. Constantly reading the next blog post, and seeing what courses I’ve evaluated. They’re skeptical at just about everything, whilst tens of thousands of us are active in the Amazon Goldfields.

Advice for this type: eCommerce works, but it also takes a lot of work. Most courses also work. Back yourself with knowledge and get in the game already. The easiest part is buying the course.

The Eager Enthusiast

On the flip side, this person doesn’t need much convincing. They’ve got some capital and they’re keen to go. In fact, maybe a little too keen.

They’ll jump on board with a course and research. They’ll spend their days looking at products and numbers, but never really pull the pin and actually start the journey ahead. The journey starts when you’re actually making money on Amazon.

You’ll also see them at every Amazon event too. “I’m still researching!” is what you hear 2 years on. Motivational quotes are often found on their social media profiles, but limited to no results. These guys mostly want to just feel good, as opposed to do the work.

Advice for this type: Sooner or later just pick a product and get it live on Amazon. Go for something with smaller MOQs. You’ll learn 2x more from the actual process of launching a product.

Mr Everyday Excuse

These guys shit me, because there’s an excuse for everything. Their “I can’t find something profitable” translate to “I’ve done 3 minutes of research and can’t be bothered anymore” and it’s somehow the fault of a course.

Most products sold on Amazon right now are profitable, otherwise why would people be selling them? Amazon sellers aren’t charities. If it were this easy to find a profitable product, I’d be a multi-millionaire right now. I guarantee you that I’m heading in that direction, as I go way beyond what others are prepared to do.

Advice for this type: Perhaps entrepreneurship isn’t your game. It takes serious work, and you can either have results or excuses. Not both. Being lazy and pointing fingers doesn’t put money in your bank account.

The Gary-Vee Wannabe

These guys make me laugh…because I used to be this person! I still have strong work ethic, but I also value sleep. 🙂

Some people have this ‘go-all-in’ attitude and I agree with that. There shouldn’t be a Plan B with Amazon, as it distracts from Plan A.

At the same time, Amazon is still a side project for me, even with 2 businesses. It doesn’t require so much intensity, and it shouldn’t for you either. Women traditionally make better Amazon sellers, as they can launch a beautiful product that impresses customers, without so much intensity.

Advice for this type: Relax! Building an Amazon business takes several years. Yes, you’ll have to stick it out at your day job for a while, but the rewards will come eventually.

The Realistic Seller

In a perfect world, we would all be here. Setting realistic expectations is what I recommend. What does that entail? 2 to 3 years before a full time income, and 5 to 7 years for a million dollar business.

Of course, this is theory only, and there are so many variables where guarantees of success can’t be provided. Hence, the need to be realistic.

I’ve helped many people move into this realistic vision of what they can create, through some work and capital, via selling on Amazon. These traits are commonly found among the 7 figure sellers too.

Advice for this type: You’re on the right track!

Mr Marketplace Dominator

This person is a beast! It’s the type of person you fear, the one with a lot of starting capital. They’re not looking to compete with you. That’s too easy for them. They want to dominate the entire category!

They’re happy to run at break-even prices for a while to establish themselves, then it’s full steam ahead! These guys are hungry, and Amazon is their feeding machine. They laugh in the face of potential Amazon beginners such as The Researcher, The Enthusiast and Mr Excuse.

Mr Marketplace Dominator is the type of person to strive for if you’re looking for multi-million dollar success on Amazon. It requires constant product launches, listing tweaking, world-class photography, excellent reviews and amazing customer service. Often realistic sellers will offload their businesses to these folk for a 7 figure exit.

Advice for this type: Make some room at the top for one more. 😉

Moving forward

I hope you’ve found yourself here and had a good laugh. Especially those in the first 3 that quite frankly are going to struggle with Amazon, unless you change your mindset starting today.

Amazon beginners
Selling on Amazon is quite literally a GOLD MINE. Why aren’t you digging?

If you Amazon beginners need some motivation, simply throw Tom Bilyeu Motivation into YouTube and start working. This is how I maintain energy throughout the day and night. Yes, night. I work up to 14 hours everyday, with no days off. I know what I want.

I’m someone seeking Mr Marketplace Dominator level of income. Wherever you choose to aim for is up to you, as long as it’s getting you to where you need to go. If not, it’s time to put on the big pants and get to work.

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2 thoughts on “The 6 Types of Amazon Beginners: See which person is you!”

  1. Hey Joshua,

    I finished the module on products in the RE course and started digging a few days ago.

    Working 10h per day in my regular job, then wearing my dad’s hat for the following 2-3h and then my digger trousers for the last 3-4h of the day. Working at least 2-3h per day during weekends.

    So far not much progress I have to admit. A couple of products selected but still not sure they are any good enough. It’s really like searching gold in a big stacks of junks. A bit down last night at 1am when I switched off the lights but today I’m back in the game !

    I’d love to be the brand owner of the Brita cartridges. This company is selling like crazy on Amazon ! ????


    • Hey Gilles,

      Great to hear your progress. Yep – this is a gold mining game for sure. You really sound like The Realistic Seller as I outlined here.

      Ha! Brita is certainly a big dog (selling millions per month) and something to aspire to in 7 to 10 years. 😀


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