Wall Street Trapper Course Review: I Did Leon’s Course!

Have you been seen Wall Street Trapper’s course advertised on Instagram and Facebook recently? Me too. I even started following him for a few months and started getting his emails. And then I joined.

I recently went through the entire Wall Street Trapper course in February of 2022 and wanted to share my perspectives. I’ll be sharing insights, screenshots and free access to similar courses.

Note: I’m not an affiliate for Wall Street Trappin or any of Leon’s courses. No one paid me for this so it’s as unbiased as they come, and I can share the negatives as well!

Here is my inbox when I joined:

From there, I was easily able to set up my account and start going through the lessons.

Anyway, let’s begin.

Wall Street Trapper Course Review

My main review focuses upon the Wallstreet Trapping Course given that it’s Leon’s main offer for new students. The curriculum is pretty light on which means it doesn’t overwhelm you too much.

I’ve come across other courses which are extremely deep (100+ hours of videos) and take ages to finish. 99% of people just don’t have the time to finish those.

This is inside my personal course dashboard:

Note: Most people aren’t able to get access to the Options Masterclass at this time, myself included.

Leon encourages his students to be conservative and not simply throw money at the next opportunity. He’s also a huge advocate of education (hence why he created his own course) instead of using financial planners who may have other motives.

Course Negatives

Let’s start this review off with the downsides. For me, I found these sticking points:

  1. The course price. This is a little higher than most people would be comfortable paying, but this also ‘weeds’ out those less serious. Education has traditionally been expensive and in this case, it’s a cost that could repay itself much faster than college.
  2. The course depth. As mentioned earlier, the course wasn’t as in-depth as I imagined it would be. At the same time, it isn’t so overwhelming so it’s much more likely you’ll finish it.

I also hoped to get some coaching but I think Leon offers this at his live student-only workshops which happen around once per month.

Course Positives

Right – let’s look at the great elements of this course. After finishing 97% of the lessons, I found:

  1. The video/audio is excellent. It’s clear that Leon invests into high quality recording equipment. Far too often I’ve come across other courses that were worse than YouTube videos.
  2. The course is beginner-friendly. As mentioned, it’s hard to feel overwhelmed with Leon’s training. You come away feeling more empowered in a world that’s often reserved for those highly educated.
  3. You can start anytime. There isn’t a set timeframe to start or finish the course so you can do this at your own pace. There are monthly webinars which are often recorded in case you miss these.
  4. Thousands of students. You won’t be alone when you become a student. There is a massive community here and everyone is seeking to lift each other up and there is tons of support.
  5. Regular updates. The Wall Street Trappin Course is regularly updated with additional training. If you join now, you get lifetime updates to the base course. There may be additional upgrades available in the future for purchase.

I also liked the two additional courses available. They provide alternatives if investing isn’t your thing.

Wall Street Trapper Net Worth

Everyone is curious how much their much-loved Instagram influencer is worth in 2022. The Wall Street Trapper (Leon Howard) net worth is estimated at $5,700,000 US dollars. This is inclusive of his investing assets and income, his business income and small portfolio of real estate.

It’s clear that he’s a hustler at heart and never gave up on his dream. You shouldn’t either.

In addition, it’s estimated that with his $72,000/month income stream, his net worth will increase by a million dollars each year until 2030.

Overall Thoughts

I really enjoyed going through this course, especially as an investing newbie. Of course, you need to do your own research and consider whether this is right for you. I can certainly help.

For some – the course will serve them well. For some, they may be better served by creating their own online business. The type which can be run from anywhere in the world, starting for free today.

Curious? Jump on the free training below today.

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I'm Joshua from Australia. 🇦🇺

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