PrettyBoyFredo: Net Worth, Death, Controversy and Earnings

Fun Facts About Fredo

Published: May 6, 2023

Last updated: May 6, 2023

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of PrettyBoyFredo for 2023.

I truly admire the success of many YouTube creators who have insights that we can learn from.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure careers. I hope to inspire you to create your own success online, starting today.

PrettyBoyFredo Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Alfredo Villa (age 29)

🤑 Net Worth

YouTubers are typically wealthier than they admit, often downplaying their net worth to appear more relatable.

As of 2023, PrettyBoyFredo has a net worth of $7,300,000 USD.

This is based on the value of her luxury home, sports car and profitable online business.

You can watch her home tour here:

🤩 Income Streams

Brand sponsors and YouTube ads

🌍 Location

New York

✌️Common Praise

He’s smart, creative, passionate and persistent.

❌ Notable Complaints

He’s done some questionable pranks.

🚀 The X-Factor

PrettyBoyFredo is NOT dead. He’s alive and well. He simply did a prank.

📈 Creator Trends

His channel still gets tons of views and subscribers.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Alfredo has a wife and one daughter, although they did not live with him until recently.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

One of YouTube’s originals who has forged his own path in life.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does PrettyBoyFredo make and how?

My best estimate is that PrettyBoyFredo makes $55,000 per month as a content creator on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

He would be making around $30,000 per month with brand sponsorship deals and another $25,000 with YouTube ads.

Creator Praise

Alfred is loved for his creativity, persistence, humour and family values. He’s also relatable to many other individuals.

Creator Red Flags

Despite his fame, Alred isn’t without some controversy. These include:

➜ Creating a fake proposal prank with his wife to gain a ton of views and subscribers

➜ Faking that he’s dead (but he’s alive and well)

➜ Various other pranks going wrong

That said, he remains highly optimistic and cannot please everyone. He has uncovered a unique way to drive viral attention to his videos which has consistently worked for years!

My Verdict

I’m so inspired by his success on YouTube. He has carved out a unique niche and with 7+ million subscribers, he’ll never need a normal job anytime soon.

Alfredo’s lifestyle today is directly proportionate to the work he’s done over the years as a prolific creator. And the best part? There are still tons of opportunities out there.

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I'm Joshua from Australia. 🇦🇺

I've been blogging for 12+ years here and have built up numerous sources of online income.

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