Things You Didn’t Know About Marina Mogliko

Published: October 7, 2022

Last updated: January 4, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Silicon Valley Girl for 2024.

I’ve spent thousands of hours watching successful business educators on YouTube.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses online, so you can see what it takes to find your own startup success.

Silicon Valley Girl At A Glance

💡Full Name and Age

Silicon Valley Girl is Marina Mogliko (also known as Lingua Marina) and she is 32 years old and recently had a baby (Lily) which joys her existing daughter who is Emily.

🤑 Net Worth

Celebrities on social media are often wealthier than we imagine.

As of 2024, Silicon Valley Girl has a net worth of $5,700,000.

This is based on the value of her home (that she shares with her husband and children), plus online business, Tesla and stock portfolio.

🤩 Income Streams

Marina makes money through her YouTube videos, sponsorships and coding camps.

🌍 Location

As you clearly expect, Marina lives in Silicon Valley, although I don’t have her exact address. If you do, then please let me know so I can update this article.

✌️Common Praise

Many appreciate her clean content and extensive interviews.

❌ Notable Complaints

Some find that she’s hard to relate to, and she has a majority-male audience.

🚀 The X-Factor

Marina is a unique individual who moved into Silicon Valley and succeeded WITHOUT a degree from a well-known school.

📈 Creator Trends

Marina is still going strong despite starting on YouTube 5 years ago.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Silicon Valley Girl is married and her husband is Dmitry Pistolyako, or simply known as Dimi.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

Silicon Valley girl isn’t just eye-candy. She provides a fantastic personal insight into the world of Silicon Valley.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Silicon Valley Girl make and how?

Silicon Valley makes makes $72,000 per month on YouTube through:

➜ YouTube ads

➜ Brand sponsors

➜ Affiliate links (Amazon, CoinBase, Binance etc)

➜ Selling her own digital products

As noted above, this brings Silicon Valley Girl’s net worth to $5,700,000.

Creator Praise

Marina’s audience really praises her for:

➜ Practical advice about working in Silicon Valley

➜ Insights into her family life and wealth journey

➜ The ability to build 3 successful YouTube channels

Some of her audience does wish that she were single.

Creator Red Flags

Despite her fame, Marina isn’t without some controversy. These include:

➜ Making working in Silicon Valley appear a little easy

➜ Taking waaaay too many selfies! (She loves these hey)

➜ Being Russian, she has naturally created some haters recently. Argh!

That said, she remains highly optimistic and cannot please everyone.

The X Factor

The unique qualities of Marina include:

➜ She’s incredibly humble despite her lifestyle

➜ She spends a lot but earns enough

➜ Her content is quality and actually helpful

➜ She blends finances, family and fitness together so well

Overall, she’s one of my favorite Youtubers!

My Verdict

Over all, I’ve learned a ton from watching her videos on Youtube.

My key takeaways include:

➜ You can succeed despite a challenging background

➜ You can become a down-to-earth influencer (they exist!)

➜ Find the 1 thing that makes you happy

➜ Play the long game, but take action every single day

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