Things You Didn’t Know About Shaan from My First Million

Published: October 17, 2022

Last updated: January 4, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of the legendary Shaan Puri for 2024.

I’ve spent thousands of hours watching successful business educators on YouTube, and I’m one of the biggest fans of the My First Million podcast! I tune in every week and I’m never left disappointed.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses online, so you can see what it takes to find your own success, starting today.

Shaan Puri Overview

💡Full Name and Age

Shaan Puri is 35 years old, just like myself.

🤑 Net Worth

Podcasters are wealthier than we assume.

As of 2024, Shaan Puri has a net worth of $14.5m USD.

Despite the current economic conditions, his net worth has increased an estimated 23% in the past 12 months.

He invests 90% of his wealth into crypto, startups and private businesses that he truly believes in. 5% of his net worth exists in Index funds and the other 5% is cash.

🤩 Income Streams

Shaan Puri makes the bulk of his income from his venture deals and selling his power writing course. He also does some paid consulting gigs.

🌍 Location

Shaan lives in San Francisco, California, which explains how he became such an icon within Silicon Valley.

Prior to this, he resided in Sydney where he opened his own sushi restaurant which he soon regretted.

✌️Common Praise

Shaan sold Bebo (a social networking platform) which helped him get rich. From the sale proceeds, he invested in numerous startups.

It’s because of his real-life experiences that people resonate with Shaan and his creative thinking and humorous side.

❌ Notable Complaints

Shaan doesn’t have any red flags, nor has he created any controversy.

🚀 The X-Factor

Shaan co-founded one of the most popular business podcasts in the world.

📈 Creator Trends

His audience has grown 3-fold over the last 12 months, primarily due to repurposing podcast content on TikTok.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Shaan Puri is married to his wife, Divya, and they have 2 children together.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

I have a ton of respect for Sam Parr and Shaan Puri, with both playing off each other’s energy during their weekly podcast episodes. Shaan’s storytelling is extraordinary too.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Shaan Puri make and how?

Right now, I estimate that Shaan Puri makes $72,000 per month by:

➜ His royalties from startups that he’s invested in

➜ Revenue from his course sales

➜ His real estate and stock portfolio

As noted above, this brings Shaan’s net worth to $12.5m.

What floating lamp does Shaan Puri have?

Shaan Puri has a generic floating lamp on his desk that’s magnetic and the globe is battery-powered. You can purchase these on Etsy for around $150. You can also purchase floating planter boxes.

Creator Praise

His audience really praises him for:

➜ Sharing his real-life experiences

➜ Calling out people who are shady

➜ Being willing to go against the norm

➜ Sharing his wins, but his losses too

He also highlights other business icons worth subscribing to.

Creator Red Flags

I did a few hours of research on Reddit, Facebook and Instagram. Shaan doesn’t have any red flags, nor has he created any controversy worth mentioning. He does have some haters, just like every business owner in the public spotlight.

The X Factor

Shaan’s unique in the business world because:

➜ He’s a hustler yet a comedian…at the same time

➜ He unleashes the fury on Twitter, and it’s pure gold

➜ Most importantly, he’s still hustling in the trenches

He’s definitely someone I have a ton of admiration for.

My Verdict

Ultimately, I’ve learned a ton from watching his videos on Youtube.

My key takeaways include:

➜ Start working on your side hustle

➜ There are tons of opportunities around

➜ Be willing to deal with the setbacks

➜ Invest in your education and stay focused

And ultimately, find a mentor who’s worked through the hard times.

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