Things You Didn’t Know About This Flipper
Published: October 30, 2022
Last updated: January 6, 2024
Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Ryan Pineda for 2024.
I’ve spent thousands of hours watching successful business educators on YouTube. I’ve also watched a ton of furniture and house flippers which really inspire me a ton!
The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses online, so you can see what it takes to find your own success, starting today.
Ryan Pineda FACTS
💡Full Name and Age
Ryan Pineda is 34 years old.
🤑 Net Worth
As you’d expect, he’s a multi-millionaire…
As of 2024, my best estimate is that Ryan Pineda has a net worth of $5,600,000 USD.
This is based on the value of his 2 businesses, house and luxury car.
🤩 Income Streams
Affiliate marketing, course sales, YouTube ads, consulting and brand sponsorships. He also flips houses and furniture.
🌍 Location
Ryan lives in California.
✌️Common Praise
He’s genuine, down to earth and is a true practitioner. He had a normal upbringing and scaled his businesses like crazy through consistency and hard work.
❌ Notable Complaints
His content can be a little overwhelming.
🚀 The X-Factor
He has tried a ton of strategies to make money.
📈 Creator Trends
Ryan Pineda has dominated just about every social media platform.
🕵🏻♂️ Private Life
Ryan’s been with his wife Mindy for almost 10 years. She massively supports him on his journey.
👨🏻💻 My Verdict
A true legend and someone who I resonate with a ton!
About Me
I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.
Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.
How much does Ryan Pineda make and how?
Ryan Pineda makes $50,000 to $70,000 per month on YouTube by my estimates!
He achieves these remarkable numbers through:
➜ Affiliate marketing to recommended products
➜ Sales of his book, course(s) and workshops
➜ YouTube ads that play on his YouTube channel
➜ Doing consulting for prospective business owners
He also runs his own CPA firm.
Creator Praise
Ryan’s audience really praises him for:
➜ Showcasing a ton of business ideas
➜ Providing a ton of value for free
➜ Working incredibly hard despite his net worth
He’s also hung out with other creators such as Codie Sanchez and Alex Hormozi:
All 3 business owners mostly share the same audience. And yes, I’m subscribed to all 3.
Creator Red Flags
Despite his fame, Ryan isn’t without some controversy. These include:
➜ Overwhelming his audience with too many ideas and tactics
➜ Selling an expensive course and consulting (but it doesn’t bother me personally)
These issues I don’t care too much about. Fiscal, really. I just wish his content was longer.
On a recent podcast, I did hear how he believes that content in the future is either going to be super short (less than 1 minute) or super long (like 60 minute podcasts) and I prefer the later.
The X Factor
Ryan’s popular because:
➜ He’s still hustling every day despite his high net worth
➜ He simply wants to serve his audience with content
➜ He’s inspired many and has changed thousands of lives
➜ He is still down to earth and believes in God
And he’s definitely got his heart in the right place.
My Verdict
Ultimately, I’ve learned a ton from watching Ryan’s videos on Youtube.
My key takeaways include:
➜ Furniture flipping is still viable (my favorite channel is Furniture Flipping Teacher)
➜ Start working on your side hustle, and make it your main hustle within 2 years
➜ Plan for the future with goals but take consistent action every single day
➜ Opportunities are everywhere for those with their eyes side open
And most importantly – work with a mentor who’s been down this pathway before.