Things You Didn’t Know About The Secret

Published: October 10, 2022

Last updated: January 4, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Rhonda Byrne for 2024.

I’ve spent thousands of hours watching successful business educators on YouTube.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses online, so you can see what it takes to find your own success, starting today.

Rhonda Byrne At A Glance

💡Full Name and Age

Rhonda Byrne (age 71) who is single but has 2 daughters.

🤑 Net Worth

She’s done so well for herself…

As of 2024, Rhonda Byrne has a net worth of $7,500,000 Australian dollars, with most of this derived from the sales of her famous and controversial documentary, The Secret.

She owns a mansion, a car collection and a stock portfolio.

🤩 Income Streams

Rhonda Byrne makes money from her business, royalties and investments.

🌍 Location

She lives in Sydney, Australia.

✌️Common Praise

She’s praised for bringing the Law of Attraction to the world, at a time when it was very much needed.

❌ Notable Complaints

On the other hand, some claim she made the Law of Attraction appear to be an easy, magical experience to manifest anything you want, as quick as you want.

🚀 The X-Factor

Rhonda Byrne is living proof of what’s possible through both mental and physical energy. That is – she manifested what she was seeking through work and persistence, well after she imagined it in her mind.

📈 Creator Trends

Rhonda has a tiny audience, yet has inspired millions around the world. Her release of The Secret, which has sold millions of copies, happened in 2006, only a few years before social media became normalized.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Rhonda’s husband remains private while her two daughters are Skye and Hayley Byrne. One experienced an illness recently.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

Rhonda inspired a generation of people to craft wild imaginations, and put in the effort to achieve their desired lifestyle.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Rhonda Byrne make and how?

I estimate Rhonda makes $22,000 per month through:

➜ Her royalties from her primary business

➜ Her investment properties in Australia

➜ Ownerships in several other companies

As noted above, this brings Rhonda’s net worth to $7.2m.

Creator Praise

Rhonda’s audience really praises her for:

➜ Bringing her DVD docu to the world

➜ Helping spread kindness and manifestation

➜ Reminding us of the power that we all have

➜ Working long after she should have retired

Personally, Rhonda took me down a road that brought many good things into my life.

Rhonda’s Red Flags

Despite their fame, Rhonda isn’t without some controversy. These include:

➜ Making the Law of Attraction seem a little easy

➜ Not using examples of where it may not work

➜ Appealing to those who are in vulnerable situations

That said, she remains highly optimistic and cannot please everyone.

The X Factor

The unique qualities of Rhonda include:

➜ She showed how The Secret changed her life

➜ She followed up on the original book with several more

➜ She positively impacted thousands of lives globally

➜ After years in the shadows, she resurfaced on Lewis Howes’ show:

My Verdict

Ultimately, I’ve learned a ton from her documentary, books and numerous interviews.

My key takeaways include:

➜ The universe always has your back

➜ Be the best version of your self today

➜ Everything you need is already within you

➜ You are here for something bigger

And it’s never too late to get started. If you’re ready, I’d love to help.

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