Oliver Anthony Net Worth: How Rich Men Went Viral (2023)

Fun Facts About The Artist Behind Rich Men North of Richmond

Published: August 21, 2023

Last updated: August 21, 2023

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Oliver Anthony for 2023. He’s certainly become wealthy!

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure careers. I hope to inspire you to create your own success online, starting today.

Oliver Anthony Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Christopher Anthony Lunsford

Oliver Anthony is his stage name that comes from his grandfather.

🤑 Net Worth

We can all assume that famous people are millionaires, with this being my best estimate…

As of 2023, Oliver Anthony has a net worth of $2,300,000 USD.

This is based on the value of his country home, truck and music royalties. So yes, he’s a multi-millionaire. According to The Independent, he’s already turned down $8m offers.

Note: Someone’s net worth doesn’t necessarily reflect dollars in the bank account. It also takes into account the value of their personal brand, fame and value to record producers and band managers.

For example: Could Oliver cash out and sell his music royalties for millions tomorrow? Absolutely! Does he want to? Probably not.

🤩 Income Streams

Music royalties, merchandise and concert ticket sales.

🌍 Location

Farmville, Virginia.

Hew grew up in North Carolina.

✌️Common Praise

Hard working, relatable, down to earth and someone with a beautiful voice.

❌ Notable Complaints


🚀 The X-Factor

His song has spoken to the heart of North America

📈 Creator Trends

Oliver is fielding 100+ phone calls a day now due to his virality.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

It’s not known if he has a wife and kids.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

It’s little wonder why Rich Men North of Richmond has hit #1 within just a week!

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How did Oliver Anthony get famous?

Oliver Anthony rose to fame recently on social media due to his hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond” which has become synonymous with the far-right movement. Prior to this, he worked in a lumber mill and as a laborer making minimum wage and struggling to get ahead, just like many members of the working class.

How much does Oliver Anthony make and how?

While he hasn’t provided hard numbers to me, I’m estimating that Oliver Anthony earns $27,000 per month through ad revenue generated on YouTube and Spotify. That’s a 6-figure income!

He’s now also doing concerts and selling merchandise, so he’ll be closer to making $40,000/month very soon.

You see, Oliver has leverage now. He’s building a loyal audience (in the tens of thousands) who continue to pay him for years, rather than selling his time at $19/hour.

Creator Praise

Many people appreciate that he’s giving them a voice through such meaningful lyrics, while speaking to systematic issues that we face right now.

Creator Red Flags

Oliver now has many fans, but has some haters as well, which is mainly the mainstream media. You’ll find journalists writing hit pieces all the time now.

My Verdict

Clearly, I hold a ton of admiration and respect for his fast rise to fame. Oliver has been writing songs for years, with many that never went anywhere. And then overnight, he’s blown up on social media and is about to build himself his very own empire.

He truly believes that people are tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated. And through his music, hopefully we can instigate some change.

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I'm Joshua from Australia. 🇦🇺

I've been blogging for 12+ years here and have built up numerous sources of online income.

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