MyDailyChoice Review: Is HempWorx any good?

Today I’m going to provide a pretty in-depth review of MyDaily Choice, an MLM scheme with their HempWorks products. Are they even legit?

There are just so many opportunities out there today, that it’s easy to thinking something new is a scam. Truth is, this is one company here to stay.

MyDailyChoice offers some good products. But are they any good? That’s what I’m here to discuss. To help you identify the opportunities worth looking into.

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MyDailyChoice review

Josh and Jenna have created MyDailyChoice just a few years ago. Their products are quite nice, featuring some excellent health and wellness offerings.

I particularly like their CBD oil ‘HempWorx’ product. It’s something potentially life-changing for so many people. That said, the Peak Spray won’t be praised by vegans so much.

So it’s clear that I’m a fan of these products to some degree.

But wow…look at those prices. It’s clear that there’s a bit of a markup there.

This doesn’t mean that this is ineffective. In fact, the higher prices could result in greater earning potential for their distributors.

For that, you’ll have to consult the MyDailyChoice compensation plan. If you’re a beginner to the MLM industry, this will be a bit confusing to you.

Basically how it works is:

  1. You sign up as a member and ‘Independent Business Owner’
  2. Chase after friends and family to sign them up (Most won’t)
  3. Keep scaling until you reach a full-time income (The hard bit)

With some of these network marketing companies, they profit from distributors like you. Because they need you to build their business for them.

It’s what is called the direct-selling model. Where you sell to friends and family. It’s a bit…eww…at times actually.

Upsides and Downsides

Right, so you chose my article because you wanted an in-depth review of MyDailyChoice. After all, the HempWorx range looks appealing.

You might even be looking at the business model, as a potential way to make a good income.

Some things I like are:

  1. They have some really nice products. Most of their distributors would be happy to sell these to friends and family, given the health benefits.
  2. This company is focused on profits from products, not so much from the additional recruitment of other members. Other companies typically take the later approach, which is a cause of concern.
  3. You can get additional bonuses as you go up the ranks. In typical MLM fashion, those at the top are reaping the biggest rewards.
  4. The live events are great and it’s a chance to meet other distributors just like you.
  5. MyDailyChoice has a long term vision of success for both themselves and their distributors.
  6. They continue to innovate and bring new and exciting products to the table.

Yes – I do like them. 🙂 I think they do a lot of good in the world.

But then I didn’t like:

  1. You gotta keep paying each and every month! If you don’t, then your account is at risk of being closed which is a worst-case scenario. You’ll lose all the money you’ve accumulated, assuming you didn’t withdraw it previously.
  2. It’s a young company. Given that they’re young, they haven’t cemented themselves as firmly as say Amway. Yes – this company works very much like Amway, as it’s the same industry.
  3. There is sometimes some distributors exaggerated income claims regarding MyDailyChoice. Most of them are good however and abide by the Terms and Conditions of being a member.
  4. Distributors don’t get to properly ‘own’ their business. If you don’t play by their rules, they might kick you out. Look up their Terms and Conditions if you don’t believe me.

I think that’s pretty fair! Sharing some of the negatives within a review gives a balanced viewpoint and perspective.

Because we want to know if this is legit. They certainly are, but they aren’t a perfect company (no company is perfect) but they are reasonably close.

The upsides far outweigh the downsides with this company. MyDailyChoice is certainly legitimate!

Making an income with MyDailyChoice

With most of these network marketing and direct selling companies, they do offer various ways to make money. This is good as it gives the initially unpaid distributors who just joined various avenues in which to make an income.

Uniquely, you don’t actually earn an income through the recruitment of your mom or best friend from high school. You primarily earn through product orders, which is sort of cool.

But that still puts pressure on people to recruit more members who pay each month. I’d rather recruit customers for my own gig, but I can understand the allure of this MLM scheme.

Minimal initial earnings

When you start out, you don’t actually get a salary like you would in a job. You can only earn once you’ve got customers on board, which can take weeks or even months. Some people never actually get a single person on board.

Because this entire gig is driven by the individual. You do need to work hard at this consistently to see any tangible results.

Now, here’s an interesting fact: Less than 1% of members make more than $790 per month! How do I know? Their own Income Disclosure.

The average annual income for all Affiliates (active and inactive) during the reporting period was 580.08 USD, and the median annual income for all Affiliates in the reporting period was $0 USD. 70.3% of all Affiliates do not continue with MyDailyChoice after their first year.

MyDailyChoice Earnings Disclaimer
MyDailyChoice Review

Hmm, that’s interesting. 🧐 I’m just as confused as her.

Why does the majority of affiliates quit MyDailyChoice within 12 months? That’s a genuine question that I don’t know the answer to, as they do have a good product line.

But you’ll find that these figures are very similar with the bulk of MLM schemes. Many people do eventually quit. So this isn’t unique at all to this company. In fact, they might have greater retention rates than most other companies.

Now, as for making money with MyDailyChoice, your 1st point-of-call is friends and family. This is typically the recommended approach, as they are most likely to support you in ‘your’ new business.

Then you might consider running Facebook ads, attending business events, personal branding and more. Your expenses typically extend past just the initial buy-in and monthly fees.

My #1 Recommendation

So will I recommend MyDailyChoice to my readers here. YES!

If you’re prepared to work very hard. What they bring to the table works, though only for a select few of their top recruiters. You can still join as a customer to enjoy those excellent benefits that come with their product range.

The MLM opportunity doesn’t really work for everyone. I mean – statistically speaking, more than 90% of distributors never really make anything with these schemes.

They are definitely groundbreaking in their approach. Their products are very helpful to the average everyday person. This explains their massive growth over the past few years as a company.

To become successful, you’ll need:

  • A seriously good work ethic to work through the tough times
  • Some additional capital to reinvest into their business growth
  • Be a strong leader that strives hard in the face of big adversity
  • The desire to recruit other paying members into this scheme

And that equals a lot of phone calls, networking and recruiting.

My #1 recommendation is that you determine if this is right for you.

Because for some people, it’s perfect! For others, there are better opportunities.

I should know – I left this industry a while ago. After coming down from the hype, I realized it wasn’t really for me.

I was looking for something new, fresh and exciting. A business model for the introvert. Something that works today, but also works just as well tomorrow.

With an open mind, I was ready for something new.

What I do today

There was a time that I was much like you. Looking for an opportunity, but wasn’t quite sure. I tried the MLM gig, real estate, affiliate marketing with an affiliate link below, online trading and much more.

I just wasn’t quite sure where I was going. A little bit lost you might say.

I just knew I had to get started on something today, to create a new chapter in my life.

The one thing I knew for sure is….I didn’t want to work for someone else!

I wanted fun, freedom and fulfilment. To wake up the morning and be excited about life.

I tried many things. But one thing really changed everything – eCommerce. That specifically is selling on Amazon.

Where I can reach tens of millions of customers, with just a few clicks of the mouse. Because I source products for low, and sell them for high.

I guess you could say…that’s the model just like MyDailyChoice! It’s only that I own my own product range and keep 100% of the profits.

Are you still with me? I hope so! I’m talking about moving into a true entrepreneurship-driven business model.

The best part is that I started with FREE training. They showed me the ropes of how I can become an Amazon seller, without selling on behalf of someone else.

Results? I hit a full-time income after a few years.

Was it easy? Absolutely no! It took a lot of work, capital and courage.

But was it worth it? Yes. Every minute I thank myself for taking action.

Because without having started on the journey with an open mind, I wouldn’t be here today.

In summary

I do like MyDailyChoice. It’s clear their success as a company has been well earned.

Their distributors unfortunately don’t earn that much money. As you’ll see from the compensation plan, less than 1% of members have made more than $10,000 per year.

That is hardly ‘quit your job and live the dream’ sort of income.

But if all you need is a mortgage or car repayment covered, then this could be enough for you.

I personally need a lot more. Rent, bills, fuel, clothing, school fees and much more. The cost of living is becoming increasingly high.

Now if you love the HempWorx products which are good, then jump right on in. This company always welcomes new distributors to the party.

For me, my focus remains on building real businesses that I own. Where I control my entire supply chain, from the factory to the customer. The margins, the traffic and the opportunity is well and truly open.

Because selling on Amazon requires no past experience. All you need is the right training, from a community that truly wants to help you.

That community is right here with 100% FREE training. Where they walk you step by step through the process of selling on Amazon.

I’d love to see you on the inside.

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