This is my complete Mindvalley review, after being an Australian student for more than 7 years. I’ll also give my thoughts on Vishen Lakhiani and his Academy for those who want to evolve.

Background on me

As an Australian, I’ve bought Vishen Lakhiani’s courses and programs through Mindvalley. I’ve read his book and I’ve watched many, many videos. I’ve written many notes, and had many ‘aha!’ moments. I’ve seen the company grow from its humble beginnings of less than a dozen staff members, to the current worldwide operation.

Mindvalley Review

Today I have 2 successful eCommerce businesses. This blog is a collection of courses, tools, software and resources that have been beneficial in my journey. Many have been great, some need improvement. I review all of them. I’m the guy who tells it as it is, no sugar coating. If I see rubbish, I’ll call it out. Period.

I’ve been a fan of Vishen Lakhiani for almost a decade now. I’ve even contemplated attending AwesomenessFest a few times. The man is a powerhouse in the personal development world. Yet, I’m still independent guy, this review has no input from the Mindvalley team.

Also, there’s no affiliate link here. My thoughts here remain the same, whether there’s a referral opportunity or not. Strangely enough, I’ve applied to the Mindvalley affiliate program 3 times, and have been rejected all 3 times. As a very passionate student for almost a decade, who owes much of his success to this company, I did find that quite odd.

Mindvalley Academy review

So let’s get into it. I love personal development, particularly anything actionable. People like Shefali Tsabary, Jim Kwik, Neale Donald Walsh, Michael Beckwith and the famous Jose Silva. These guys all belong within the Mindvalley ‘house’, their content is fantastic.

To have access to a range of courses which you can pick a la carte in one place is excellent, the initial course I purchased by ‘You Were Born Rich’ by Bob Proctor (the program, not the book) which was literally life-changing. This is going back many years now!

Mindvalley scam
It’s great to see people doing their research on Mindvalley

There’s some key fundamentals that sets Mindvalley apart. I’ll do my best to elaborate more on this..

  • Mindvalley is an online education hub designed for all ages, centered around community and is seriously fun. Whilst online, they have offline events too around the world.
  • They have a lot of students. More than 3 million in fact, including me! They’ve integrated into some of the worlds best schools, right down to individuals just looking to further their own personal development.
  • Their library has original content. You won’t find it on YouTube. You won’t find it already printed in books. If you do, it’s the bare minimum. The Mindvalley goes deep, and you can go as deep as you want.
  • The curriculum is spread across multiple categories. Not everyone wants to get rich. Some just want better health. Others are looking for enhanced relationships. Most actually come to Mindvalley for the spiritual growth. In fact, I came to Mindvalley to learn about wealth creation, only to get obsessed with spiritual development. Funny how that works…!
  • The best teachers in the field of personal development. People that walk the talk. Those who are very much driven from the heart, leading transformational change within this world. People like Nassim Haramein who I’ve been following for a long time.

There is more of course, but let’s keep this simplified for now. Indeed, as a student, I’m still learning. I’ll never consider myself ‘guru’ status, for I choose to be a student of life.

Negative reviews on Mindvalley

This review wouldn’t be complete without some negatives. The core downside is the cost. Yes, Mindvalley University does cost some money to get involved with, as does anything. It’s not cheap, but it’s certainly not expensive either. At least, compared to just about any other university. You’ll actually learn actionable and life-long skills.

Vishen Lakhiani scam
Mindvalley is for those looking to genuinely expand their consciousness.

The other things is that this isn’t for everyone. In fact, only a small percentage reading this should consider signing up; those who are really ready to change their lives. For others, consider diving into some personal development books for now before considering Mindvalley in the future.

There are of course the less desirable people that could call Mindvalley a scam or other such names. These people aren’t what their academy is for. There’s also some frustrated ex-employees, which typical of most workplaces, will leave negative comments online. I’ll generally pass over such people now days, as I know where their mindset is to come out with such negativity.

Mindvalley AwesomenessFest: My thoughts

If you’re a unique business owner or startup, then I would also consider attending Mindvalley AwesomenessFest. They’ve been running these for years. It’s an event I’ve been considering for a while.

I’ve had numerous friends go, and all have been positively impacted by the experience. It’s quite literally like no event I’ve seen before, and I’ve been to plenty across multiple countries. On the vision board for next year!

Closing thoughts

In summary of this Mindvalley review, the courses on offer are ideal for you if you’re ready to change yourself, before changing the world. After spending personally $40,000+ on my personal development over the last 10+ years, I can assure you that my self investment has been my best investment.

Yep – that’s true. No business or investment portfolio that I own even comes close. Plus, I’m not taxed on my knowledge! Ha! I do honestly thank Mindvalley and the influence of Vishen Lakhiani in large part to my success.

Mind Valley Review Vishen Refund
People who are driven to succeed online take the program

I’d highly considering jumping in with the party. The Mindvalley Facebook page likewise has many excellent reviews of what’s on offer. That’s feedback from real students, no ex-employees.

If you have a question or comment about any of their programs, then feel free to drop that into the comments field below. The more technical questions will have to go to their team, but I’ll do my best to help out right here!

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