Michael Johnson ‘The Mojo Master’ Rated (Reignition seminar)

I went to Michael Johnson’s seminar ‘The Mojo Master’, and this review of Reignition (the national tour) is based off my direct experience. Real, raw and with no input from Michael or his team.

My background

I’ve actually known of Michael since 2011, back in the early days when he was still running one on one coaching sessions. I personally had a few sessions and some breakthrough moments back then. In addition, I’ve paid up and have been to Reignition and ThriveTime.

So I’ve seen his NLP training company grow from its humble beginnings. In addition, I’ve done NLP training with other companies, plus been to many conferences and seminars including Tony Robbins 5 times (yes, 5 times!) and Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker and Gary Vaynerchuk just to name a few.

Today I own 2 successful businesses and a healthy investment portfolio. That said, the most important changes I’ve made have been within myself. I’ve come from an extreme introvert, the dude who’d struggle to even answer a phone or engage any conversation, to a reasonably outgoing sort of person. One who smiles, who laughs and converses naturally. I run this blog as a resource based showcasing the courses, tools and software that have been beneficial in my success. Michael has had an impact in my journey.

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Let’s get into Michael. You’re probably curious if events such as Reignition, ThriveTime or The Accelerator are any good. You’ve probably found him on social media, received an email about his events or perhaps you’ve even watched a few videos. Now you’re looking online to do your research. It’s great that you’re here, as I wouldn’t blindly jump on board with anything either. I like to get the facts, weight up the pros and cons, and make an informed decision. I don’t make impulse decisions, I evaluate first before I jump in.

There’s probably a range of questions you have. I hope this review particularly of Reignition by the Mojo Master will provide some insight. I’ve written this with simplicity and ease in mind.

What’s the Thrive Time event like?

It’s good. Very good in fact. Michael jumps straight into content, actionable stuff that you’re going to want to write down. Don’t forget to bring pen and paper. Michael’s somewhat intense, he moves quick with the information.

Michael Johnson’s Mojo Master events receive excellent feedback!

He’s not a tease unlike many other speakers I’ve seen, he simply doesn’t hold back. That’s what I liked about the seminar, he genuinely cares about sharing as much as he can with the time that he has.

Who else comes along?

Generally people just like you. Those who want to make some changes in their life. Whether that’s financial, spiritual, health or relationships, everyone has a need to be at the live event.

The age range is typically 20 to 50 years old, though I have certainly seen others outside of this range. It’s really for those committed to change a current blueprint that’s holding them back, and ready for that shift to happen as quickly as possible.

Any downsides?

Michael gets straight into content. No teasing. Some of the concepts might be a bit technical to begin with, and that’s okay. Stay in this personal development space for long enough and you’ll begin to understand these concepts much better. Michael occasionally goes slightly off-topic but still within the genre of personal development, though in recent years he’s become a lot better.

There’s also a cost which is a downside, especially higher for ThriveTime. The cost is representative of the value that Michael’s giving. So far 1,500+ people have going through his programs, and everyone’s paid. No freebies here. People don’t value the things that they receive for free, hence why Michael needs to change a fair price.

Is it any good for beginners?

Yes! Michael’s events are ideal for beginners. Likewise, those who have already done some personal development will benefit from his seminars. Even if you’ve just read some books, you’ll find his live events to be of benefit. In fact I’d say 70% of the attendees haven’t done any other live events before.

Did The Mojo Master write any of this?

Nope. Zero, none at all from Michael Johnson. In fact exactly none of the hundreds of reviews here have had any input from anyone. Sometimes I receive emails “Joshua can you change this and that?” or my personal favourite “Joshua, please make this review more positive of our services!”. The companies that reach out to me with this nonsense always make me laugh.

The answer from me is always a firm decline. I’m an independent guy, I write things as they should be. No BS here. In a world of social media in-authenticity, I’m keeping it real. I just happen to have a great experience at the live seminar.


Most people will find some great benefits in attending events held by the Mojo Master. It’s not for everyone, those unwilling to change should probably just stay home.

If you’re ready to make a difference in your life, then personal development is the playing field you want to be watching. And I’d be choosing the Mojo Master’s team to inspire me towards creating those fundamental changes that I desire.

By the way, if you’d like, there’s a 100% FREE course available to learn how to sell on Amazon. It’s what I did, and I reached a full time income on Amazon in less than 2 years. My good friend Adam Hudson wants to give you this course right now!

The Mojo Master review
  • Seminar Content
  • Teacher Knowledge
  • Seminar Timing
  • New Content
  • Refund Policy
  • Student Vibes
  • Conference Venue

Summary of Michael Johnson

These points are a summary of my thoughts here. I wrote this for the new person who hasn’t had any experience with Michael before.

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