Things You Didn’t Know About Mel Robbins

Published: October 21, 2022

Last updated: January 4, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Mel Robbins for 2024.

I’ve spent thousands of hours watching successful business and self-help educators on YouTube.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses online. I also want you to break through disempowering beliefs, starting today.

Mel Robbins At A Glance

💡Full Name and Age

Mel Robbins is 55 years old.

🤑 Net Worth

She’s doing quite well for herself and this is my best estimate…

As of 2024, Mel Robbins has a net worth of $8,800,000 USD.

This is based upon the value of her home (that she shares with her husband), car collection and online business.

🤩 Income Streams

Mel Robbins makes money from her book sales, television appearances and speaking appearances.

🌍 Location

Mel Robbins lives in Southern Vermont.

✌️Common Praise

Mel is someone that works incredibly hard and won’t take no for an answer.

❌ Notable Complaints

There are few people who have been upset with her courses.

🚀 The X-Factor

Mel is fuel for the entrepreneurial fire for many of us, and she’s gone through hardships herself.

📈 Creator Trends

Mel Robbins blew up on Tom Bilyeu’s channel, although her recent channel growth has been limited.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Mel Robbins is NOT married to Tony Robbins, nor is she even related to the big man. She just has an identical last name which is quite common. Mel isn’t one of Tony’s ex-wives either.

Mel is actually married to a guy called Christopher Robbins, who again, has no relation to Anthony Robbins. They have been married since 1996, and the marriage is better than ever.

Meanwhile, Tony Robbins is married to Sage Robbins.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

Her books and YouTube videos have massive inspired me, and just like Tony Robbins, I hope she never stops!

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Mel Robbins make and how?

Mel makes and estimated $62,000 per month on YouTube and through her company by:

➜ Running workshops and selling books

➜ Running ads on her YouTube channel

➜ Fees generated from her speaking gigs

➜ Consulting for 8-figure business owners

As noted above, this brings Mel’s net worth to $7.8m.

Creator Praise

Her loyal audience really praises Mel for:

➜ Her willingness to speak the truth

➜ She knows how to truly get motivated

➜ She’s willing to call out the BS

➜ She hasn’t copied anyone in the self-help industry

And I really appreciate her 5 Second Rule process which got me out of a challenging situation a few years ago.

Creator Red Flags

Despite her fame, Mel isn’t without some controversy. These include:

➜ Some people can’t handle her masculine energy

➜ She can be a little too fierce and powerful

That said, he remains highly optimistic and cannot please everyone. There are many women in the self-help industry that has much more feminine energy if Mel isn’t for you.

The X Factor

Unique qualities of Mel include:

➜ She’s willing to do what others won’t

➜ Her husband is super supportive

➜ She’s built a successful 8-figure business

➜ Her energy is absolutely kick ass!

And she doesn’t seem like she’s slowing down anytime soon.

My Verdict

Ultimately, I’ve learned a ton from watching Mel’s videos on Youtube. Yes, I’m a personal development junkie!

My key takeaways include:

➜ Be willing to stay committed

➜ Find ways to break the monotony

➜ Work hard with the right strategy

➜ Don’t ignore true opportunities

And of course, find a mentor who’ll break through the fluff.

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