Fun Facts About This NBA Player

Published: June 7, 2023

Last updated: January 9, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Juancho Hernangomez for 2024. He’s certainly become wealthy!

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure careers. I hope to inspire you to create your own success online, starting today.

Juancho Hernangomez Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Juan Alberto “Juancho” Hernangómez Geuer

🤑 Net Worth

We can all assume that famous people are wealthy, with this being my best estimate…

As of 2024, my closest estimate is that Juancho Hernangomez has a net worth of $24,000,000 USD.

This is based on the value of his luxury home, sports cars and basketball equipment.

🤩 Income Streams

NBA team contracts

🌍 Location

United States

✌️Common Praise

A remarkable power forward who has earned his place in the record books.

❌ Notable Complaints


🚀 The X-Factor

He’s an actor on the side.

📈 Player Trends

He is in the prime of his career.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Word on the street is that he’s dating the beautiful Ana Prieto Rubio who naturally is at least a foot shorter than him!

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

One of the most underrated NBA players out there who isn’t ready to hang up the shoes just yet!

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How did Juancho Hernangomez get rich?

Juancho Hernangomez became wealthy through playing basketball for all of his life. Unlike his college friends who wasted time on social media, Juancho focused on his 10,000 hours and mastering the game.

His riches didn’t come early, but in the last 7 years, he’s certainly built a fortune and is almost ready to retire with a fat stash!

How much does Juancho Hernangomez make per year?

Keen to know my best estimate? Juancho Hernangomez earns $2,700,000 per year as an NBA free agent, representing various teams around the country. He may also have brand sponsorship deals along the way during the off-season.

That’s far more than what he needs to live on and during the on-season, he gets to enjoy first-class flights and luxury hotels around the country.

NBA Praise

Juancho Hernangomez is iconic because of his skills on the court, and his attitude as a player.

Creator Red Flags

Not once has Juancho Hernangomez drawn controversy or criticism during his basketball career. He has mostly stayed away from social media so he can focus on the game, rather than the politics surrounding it.

My Verdict

Clearly, I hold a ton of admiration and respect for Juancho Hernangomez’s journey. It hasn’t been easy to make the move from Spain, but through hard work and sacrifice, he has built himself a remarkable career and a significantly high net worth.

When he’s ready to retire, he certainly won’t have much to worry about.

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