Jordan Page Budget Bootcamp: Is It Worth It?

Is Budget Bootcamp worth it? Jordan Page charges $149 for her online course (less 10% discount) and an online review would be helpful to see how good it is.

Note: I have no business relationship with Jordan Page so this review of her training course is unbias.

Budget Bootcamp Review

Budgeting is hard. Accounting for every single cost in your weekly household budget is confusing. I know personally that I’ve struggled with this for a long time.

And despite today that I’ve reached a solid place financially, not everyone has this luxury. Plus I choose to live well within my means.

I routinely watch Jordan’s budgeting YouTube channel which is very engaging. What I love is that she shares so much content for free without so much filler content like other channels.

Yet with so much content on her channel, is it worth spending one hundred and fifty bucks on some extra content? I just had to see.

The course content

I was hesitant with this course initially. It’s only just shy of 30 videos after all.

However, Jordan makes her content longer. The average video is about 30 minutes.

Budget Bootcamp Course Jordan Page

Through the course, there is a lot of content that I haven’t found on her public channel. So you won’t necessarily feel like groundhog day when going through the course itself, though she does touch on the same content again at times.

So, why would you spend so much on her course? It’s simple.

  1. It’s cheap. I mean really – the course itself can save you $150 easily in the next 30 days.
  2. Jordan Page’s program is a How-To series step-by-step, instead of budgeting tips on YouTube.
  3. The entire premise of her training is based on action-taking instead of binge-watching.

One of the best parts is the Facebook group. It’s a chance to engage with others on the same channel. I know that Dave Ramsey has a similar group but Jordan’s is more serious and more engaging without the trolls.


I couldn’t write a review of Budget Bootcamp without some downsides or negatives. That just wouldn’t be fair for those considering this budgeting course.

Now my biggest challenge with Budget Bootcamp is the amount of content. There are 16+ hours and Jordan is adding more content quite often that only her members have access to.

Then you’ve got all the ‘Workouts’ to help you through the journey which you should print off.

Now while that’s all good, some people just won’t have the time available to digest all of this. This is despite her 90 day refund period. We all have kids to chase and jobs to serve. You know, life just gets in the way.

To be fair, it’ll be hard for her to cut down on the content as she’ll leave out vital components. But still, some students will simply be overwhelmed with the amount of content here.

So you’d have to be really committed to this budgeting process to get the most value out of it. My recommendation: Cut out all distractions over a weekend (including turning your phone OFF) and digest the content on your TV screen, while also printing off and using the handouts.

Otherwise, you’ll fall into the trap of buying yet another course, watch 20% of the content and later forget about it. Don’t worry – I’ve done this too many times.

Who I’d recommend it for

Those who need a hand getting their finances in order strategically would benefit best from this program. That is – a proper plan and blueprint to get things in order.

Going through Jordan Page's Budget Bootcamp Course

If you’re looking for merely binge-watching and taking no action, then this isn’t for you. Her public channel will continue to serve you very well.

Likewise, pick up a budgeting book. This is a cheap alternative to Jordan Page and her video training course. Many books do cover the bulk of the concepts in her training program.

Three books I can highly recommend are:

  • Money Honey by Rachel Richards
  • Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover
  • You Need A Budget by Jesse Mecham

For breaking away from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, these will help you build more of a sustainable capital base.

In summary

Budget Bootcamp is definitely worth it for those who are serious about budgeting in their family. If you’re unsure, then Jordan Page provides a 90-day refund policy available. 90 days! 😲 Let’s not forget the 10% discount/coupon code available to her subscribers.

The Facebook group is what makes this program special. Because you want to be surrounded by a great community of others on the same pathway as you.

Budget Bootcamp Course I recommend

And sure, you could join a public budgeting group, but these are often full of trouble makers. Those who invest in their education are those often the most committed to the journey.

To me, the best journey to be on is F.I.R.E. This means Fire Independence Retire Early. This is often best achieved with both budgeting and online business building.

For the budgeting side, Budget Bootcamp could be the very best thing you do this month.

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