Grammarly Review – is this really the world’s most accurate grammar checker?

Hello everyone!

Today I wanted to write a review about Grammarly and provide a potential discount link. They claim that they are the most accurate grammar checker. But are they really? Read on and find out more.

This tool is an automated proofreader paired with its own virtual grammar coach. Whilst strangely enough, the grammar checker doesn’t check your grammar mistakes, I feel it’s a very strong tool none-the-less to help and improve it. There’s a full quiver of tools and features to assist you, with the company promoting that it can discover 250+ types of grammatical errors.

The spell checker tool is to be expected. It will find all spelling errors and mistakes in your capitalization, use of articles, negatives, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs and modifiers. It goes a step further to look for poor structures of sentences and mistakes in punctuation. As far as I am aware, there are only 2 other competitors that also offer this full set of services.

Get Started WIth Grammarly

What I really like most about this grammar checking service is the plagiarism tool check. It’s the only service online that does this, and does it well. The feedback that you’re given as the end user is very strong, all placed conveniently on the right of your text. You’ll see a clear breakdown of your mistakes with a colorful summary and with the ability to save and print a copy for your needs.

I really feel that this tool has been designed. Not just built or coded, but actually designed. The user interface is relatively minimal and clean, with it being the easiest grammar checker tool that I’ve tried and have decided to leave a review for. Grammarly does exactly what it claims to do and at a record speed.

Get Grammarly Now

Overall, I will say that this tool is very thorough and accurate. You will definitely find it easy to use and enjoy the feedback that is given. Like every grammar checking service, it should not be relied upon 100% but Grammarly is certainly the best at what it does.

As I’m sure that you’ve found value in this simple yet accurate review of Grammarly, I do hope that you’ll go ahead and utilize it through my affiliate links. This keeps independent bloggers like myself active to review products online.

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