Fun Facts About This Professional Golfer

Published: February 25, 2023

Last updated: April 7, 2023

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Garrett Clark for 2023.

I really admire the journey and success of many professional golfers, including those who aren’t near the top of the leaderboards just yet. While we see their talent and achievements on television, we often don’t see their endless practice routines to become masters of the game.

These profiles allow you to discover the various ways that people have built 6 and 7-figure careers. Through their sheer focus and persistence, there are many insights from which we can learn.

Let’s begin.

Garrett Clark Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Garrett Clark (age 23) who runs the GM Golf YouTube channel.

🤑 Net Worth

YouTubers are doing better financially than we typically assume.

As of 2023, Garrett Clark of GM Golf has a net worth of $970,000 USD.

This is based on the value of his online business, home and sports car.

He can’t quite retire early just yet, but does it matter? This man is living his dream on the fairways of the world!

🌍 Location

United States

✌️Common Praise

A down to earth and funny creator who also takes golf seriously.

❌ Notable Complaints

None that I could find.

🚀 The X-Factor

His GM Golf channel has helped so many people get into the sport.

📈 Golf Career

While he isn’t PGA-spec, he does play a pretty decent rounf of golf.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

Some say that Garrett is dating Claire Hoble, but this doesn’t appear to be the case. I think Claire might be too much for him to handle. 😉

He’s collaborated with a ton of other golf influencers on YouTube, including Luke Kwon and Micah Morris and Grant Horvat who are both cousins of his.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

He’s one man that has turned his passion into a lucrative career, all without the pressure of playing in the big leagues.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Garrett Clark make and how?

Generally speaking, YouTuber Garrett Clark earns around $20,000 per month from his channel. That sure beats climbing the corporate career and dealing with all those politics! Grant is absolutely treating his content like a business while he earns more than some doctors.

His revenue streams include:

  • Ads that play on his chanel and given that his audience is considered wealthy, the advertisers do pay pretty well
  • Selling his own merchandise on which fans have gone crazy for

He swapped his Mizuno sponsorship in early January 2023 which he had for around 2 years with Callaway (I’m guessing he was offered around $12k/month) while he’ll also be playing with Good Good Golf boys. Uniquely, he doesn’t use affiliate links on YouTube or sell a golf training course, so Garrett is leaving so much money on the table.

Like most golfing channels, lifestyle involves first-class flights and luxury hotels around the world, and I assume these are tax-deductible expenses. 😃

I think he’s set now for one incredible season!

Sporting Praise

He is admired by many in the field because:

➜ He’s just a genuine, real and honest dude

➜ He has introduced golf to many young people

➜ He gives us a break from the monotony of life

➜ He avoids conflict and is just so humble

And he has his great days and his bad days too!

Sporting Controversy

I don’t think Garrett has ever stirred the critics, although Reddit trolls often like to have a go.

💡 Editor’s Note
Garrett is focused on the game.
And hopes to inspire others.
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My Verdict

I think Garrett’s done a ton to promote the sport and some of his audience are older folk too. He’s not just a kid with a camera on a golf course anymore, and any brand that aligns itself with his channel is going to drive a significant return on investment. I think this is why Callaway approached him in late 2022.

In addition, his journey from humble beginnings to building an incredible income stream and the lifestyle of his dreams (without needing college) highlights key lessons that can propel our lives forward, both on a business and personal level.

My key takeaways include:

➜ Stay humble and consistent on the journey

➜ Focus on leveling up at any chance you get

➜ Open your mind to exciting opportunities

➜ A strong work ethic will eventually get you rewarded

And surround yourself with the right people all the time. If someone’s glued to their phone, they probably aren’t the right person to help you achieve your dreams. 🙂 Just sayin’!

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