Dougherty Dozen: Net Worth, Controversy and Earnings (2024)

Fun Facts About Them

Published: December 1, 2022

Last updated: January 5, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Dougherty Dozen for 2024.

The success of many YouTube creators provides insights that we can all learn from.

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure businesses. I hope to inspire you to create your own success online, starting today.

Dougherty Dozen Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Many of their kids are adopted, although I don’t wish to share their details due to privacy reasons.

🤑 Net Worth

You’d be surprised by how rich this family actually is.

As of 2024, I estimate Dougherty Dozen has a net worth of $2,600,000 USD.

This is based on the value of their personal NY State home, two cars, and a very profitable vlogging business.

🤩 Income Streams

Affiliate links, YouTube advertising and brand sponsorships.

🌍 Location

They live in Pittsford, NY.

✌️Common Praise

They are such a fun-loving family who has given so much!

❌ Notable Complaints

Some say they are hoarders while some say they’re so rich.

🚀 The X-Factor

They have an army of fans that’ll always defend them.

📈 Creator Trends

They have created a ton of videos on YouTube and TikTok and are very well known.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

They detail everything about their day-to-day life. It’s a little invasive.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

They have leveraged social media to propel their lives forward.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How much does Dougherty Dozen make and how?

Dougherty Dozen from YouTube make $14,000 per month online.

They do this through:

➜ Affiliate links to recommended products on Amazon

➜ YouTube ads that play on their YouTube channel

➜ Brand sponsorships (although Alicia is quite picky)

Creator Praise

Many love their channel because:

➜ Their kids are often so joyous

➜ We get to see an insight into their life

➜ They do have money to go on holidays

➜ Their work ethic is quite strong

And they don’t plan on having any more children.

Creator Red Flags

Despite their fame on YouTube, Dougherty Dozen isn’t without some controversy.

The current creators who are exposing this channel include:

➜ The Dad Challenge Podcast

➜ Radiant Britt

You can’t really expose them as you may be sued, just like Joshua Barbour was:

So for that reason, I won’t be sharing any of their red flags in this article.

My Verdict

I’m so inspired by their success on YouTube. From watching so many videos, there are key lessons that can propel our lives forward, both on a business and personal level.

My key takeaways include:

➜ Build a lifestyle that you can handle

➜ Freedom is often closer than you think

➜ Be the light that the world needs now

➜ Seek opportunities to work online

Dougherty Dozen is 100% treating their channel like a business and will continue growing to a million subscribers. They’re making great money on their channel (which will continue to grow) while showing some rare insights about their family life.

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I'm Joshua from Australia. 🇦🇺

I've been blogging for 12+ years here and have built up numerous sources of online income.

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