Fun Facts About This Entrepreneur

Published: June 1, 2023

Last updated: January 9, 2024

By Joshua Smith 🇦🇺

I Help Beginners Build Profitable Websites

Welcome to the ultimate analysis of Adam Weitsman for 2024. He’s certainly become wealthy!

The goal of these profiles is to show you the different ways people have built 6 and 7-figure careers. I hope to inspire you to create your own success online, starting today.

Adam Weitsman Facts

💡Full Name and Age

Adam Joel Weitsman

🤑 Net Worth

We can all assume that famous people are wealthy, with this being my best estimate…

As of 2024, NY company owner Adam Weitsman has a net worth of $1.25 Billion dollars.

This is based on the value of his recycling businesses, luxury homes, sports cars and commercial real estate investments in the United States.

🤩 Income Streams

Business income

🌍 Location

New York City

✌️Common Praise

Smart, creative, hard working and down to earth.

❌ Notable Complaints


🚀 The X-Factor

He built a remarkable offline business when everyone else is going online.

📈 Creator Trends

He’s in the prime of his career. Eventhough he’s achieved success, he continues to work hard.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Private Life

He married the beautiful Kim Weitsman in 2006 and they have 3 children together. She’s a few inches taller than him.

👨🏻‍💻 My Verdict

One of the hardest working entrepreneurs that I’ve come across.

About Me

I’m Joshua Smith from Australia. I have been building profitable content sites since 2011.

Today, in addition to managing my own portfolio, I actively help others on their journey.

How did Adam Weitsman get rich?

Adam Weitsman became wealthy through building a real business within the recycling niche. He didn’t fall for scams or MLM schemes, and instead, focused on grinding it out in the real world over several decades.

His biggest windfall didn’t come until the past 10 years through compounded returns.

How much does Adam Weitsman make and how?

His wealth continues to increase month on month. And while no hard numbers exist, I’m estimating that Adam Weitsman makes $7,000,000 per year with his businesses. He only lives on about 20% of this! The rest goes towards compounding his wealth.

What companies does Adam Weitsman have?

Adam Weitsman owns a scrap metal recycling company in New York (Upstate Shredding – Weitsman Recycling) as well as a crypto mining company.

Creator Praise

He’s a legend for his work ethic, being relatable and building one remarkable business.

Creator Red Flags

I haven’t seen him stir much controversy. That isn’t something he would do as his reputation is important to the success of his business.

My Verdict

Clearly, I hold a ton of admiration and respect for Adam Weitsman’s journey. It hasn’t been easy but they’ve become wealthier month-on-month through hard work and perseverence.

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